Pre-MLS listings are a private inventory of homes exclusive to Linda Craft Team Realtors. These properties are not currently listed in the MLS, but they're still for sale and available for showings. Want to gain access to homes before they go live? You'll only find these listings on our team's website, so be sure to contact us for a private showing or more information.
Coming Soon
Want to see all of the Triangle's Coming Soon homes before they're active listings? Linda Craft Team Realtors can help! Our search tool lets you browse listings that are Coming Soon all in one place, and you can always get in touch to schedule a showing.
Active Listings
These listings are on the market for everyone to see—but if you spot a home you love, you may want to act fast. Most properties in the Triangle go under contract within days of hitting the market! Drop us a line so we can schedule a private showing just for you.